Zagora 006 Eucrite Bréchique #4 – 10 g


Zagora 006 est une météorite classée eucrite bréchique de 1380 grammes.

Elle a été découverte près de Zagora au Maroc par Ahmed Dich et Hssain Azmamar en janvier 2021.

Les eucrites proviennent de l’Astéroïde Vesta.

Writeup from MB 110:

Zagora 006        30°18’46.21″N, 5°32’45.16″W

South, Morocco

Find: 2021 Jan

Classification: HED achondrite (Eucrite, brecciated)

History: Found by Ahmed Dich and Hssain Azmamar in January 2021. Bought by Jean Redelsperger from Zaid Oualguirah in February 2021.

Physical characteristics: Partially crusted stone with a light grey interior

Petrography: (J. Gattacceca, CEREGE) Brecciated igneous rock with mineral and lithic gabbroic clasts. Main minerals are pyroxene (some exsolved) and plagioclase with grain size in the 100 to 500 µm range. Accessory minerals: metal (to 150 µm), chromite (to 100 µm), ilmenite (to 150 µm), troilite (to 200 µm).

Geochemistry: Low-Ca pyroxene Fs50.7Wo3.8, Fs48.5Wo6.4. Ca-pyroxene Fs38.8Wo20.5, Fs23.0Wo41.3, Fs23.3Wo41.4. Pyroxene FeO/MnO 31.8±1.4 (n=5). Plagioclase An92.5Ab7.3Or0.2, An80.2Ab18.8Or0.9.

Classification: Achondrite (eucrite, brecciated)

Specimens: 22 g type specimen at CEREGE. Main mass with Jean Redelsperger

Rupture de stock

Catégories : , SKU: dt-008-2-1-2-1-1-2-2-2-1


Magnifique pièce, très belle texture.
Livrée avec certificat.

Informations complémentaires

Poids 10 g
Dimensions 4 × 3 × 0,3 cm
