NWA Eucrite #1 – 57 g

677,75 $

This beautiful meteorite with a lacquered fusion crust is an unclassified eucrite.

The eucrites come from the Asteroid Vesta.

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NWA#6 – 23 g

26,16 $

Magnificent unclassified meteorite endcut discovered in the Sahara.

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NWA#5 – 10 g

15,46 $

Magnificent unclassified meteorite endcut discovered in the Sahara.

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NWA#4 – 17 g

21,41 $

Nice slice of unclassified meteorite discovered in the Sahara.

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CV3 #1-79 g

563,60 $

CV3 chondrites are characterized by the presence of large chondrules, abundant pre-solar isotopes and white inclusions called CAI’s.

CAI’s are mineral inclusions rich in calcium and aluminum, formed 4,567 to 4,571 million years ago they are the oldest materials in the Solar System.

This unique piece is an example of a CV3 with a large CAI.

This piece is certainly paired with NWA 7865.

Out of stock

NWA#3 – 99g

117,72 $

Very nice ordinary chondrite for sale at reasonable price.