NWA 7034 (paired) Mars #14 – 0,01 g

71,34 $
The meteorite NWA 7034 is an exceptional meteorite.
This meteorite is not alone because other stones of the same type have been found in the fall zone.
It is a Martian meteorite, certainly the rarest and most scientifically interesting meteorite ever found. It was discovered by meteorite hunters in the Western Sahara.
It is the oldest rock from Mars ever discovered and contains more water than any other known Martian meteorite. Its texture is brecciated, it is composed of an agglomerate of rocks of which each rock tells us a fascinating story.

NWA 7034 (paired) Mars #13 – 0,02 g

118,91 $
The meteorite NWA 7034 is an exceptional meteorite.
This meteorite is not alone because other stones of the same type have been found in the fall zone.
It is a Martian meteorite, certainly the rarest and most scientifically interesting meteorite ever found. It was discovered by meteorite hunters in the Western Sahara.
It is the oldest rock from Mars ever discovered and contains more water than any other known Martian meteorite. Its texture is brecciated, it is composed of an agglomerate of rocks of which each rock tells us a fascinating story.
Out of stock

NWA 7034 (paired) Mars #12 – 0,03 g

178,36 $
The meteorite NWA 7034 is an exceptional meteorite.
This meteorite is not alone because other stones of the same type have been found in the fall zone.
It is a Martian meteorite, certainly the rarest and most scientifically interesting meteorite ever found. It was discovered by meteorite hunters in the Western Sahara.
It is the oldest rock from Mars ever discovered and contains more water than any other known Martian meteorite. Its texture is brecciated, it is composed of an agglomerate of rocks of which each rock tells us a fascinating story.
Out of stock

NWA 7034 (paired) Mars #11 – 0,03 g

178,36 $
The meteorite NWA 7034 is an exceptional meteorite.
This meteorite is not alone because other stones of the same type have been found in the fall zone.
It is a Martian meteorite, certainly the rarest and most scientifically interesting meteorite ever found. It was discovered by meteorite hunters in the Western Sahara.
It is the oldest rock from Mars ever discovered and contains more water than any other known Martian meteorite. Its texture is brecciated, it is composed of an agglomerate of rocks of which each rock tells us a fascinating story.

NWA 7034 (paired) Mars #10 – 0,05 g

356,71 $
The meteorite NWA 7034 is an exceptional meteorite.
This meteorite is not alone because other stones of the same type have been found in the fall zone.
It is a Martian meteorite, certainly the rarest and most scientifically interesting meteorite ever found. It was discovered by meteorite hunters in the Western Sahara.
It is the oldest rock from Mars ever discovered and contains more water than any other known Martian meteorite. Its texture is brecciated, it is composed of an agglomerate of rocks of which each rock tells us a fascinating story.

NWA 7034 (paired) Mars #9 – 0,06 g

416,16 $
The meteorite NWA 7034 is an exceptional meteorite.
This meteorite is not alone because other stones of the same type have been found in the fall zone.
It is a Martian meteorite, certainly the rarest and most scientifically interesting meteorite ever found. It was discovered by meteorite hunters in the Western Sahara.
It is the oldest rock from Mars ever discovered and contains more water than any other known Martian meteorite. Its texture is brecciated, it is composed of an agglomerate of rocks of which each rock tells us a fascinating story.
Out of stock

NWA 7034 (paired) Mars #8 – 0,22 g

1.229,46 $
The meteorite NWA 7034 is an exceptional meteorite.
This meteorite is not alone because other stones of the same type have been found in the fall zone.
It is a Martian meteorite, certainly the rarest and most scientifically interesting meteorite ever found. It was discovered by meteorite hunters in the Western Sahara.
It is the oldest rock from Mars ever discovered and contains more water than any other known Martian meteorite. Its texture is brecciated, it is composed of an agglomerate of rocks of which each rock tells us a fascinating story.

NWA 7034 (paired) Mars #7 – 0,28 g

1.564,76 $
The meteorite NWA 7034 is an exceptional meteorite.
This meteorite is not alone because other stones of the same type have been found in the fall zone.
It is a Martian meteorite, certainly the rarest and most scientifically interesting meteorite ever found. It was discovered by meteorite hunters in the Western Sahara.
It is the oldest rock from Mars ever discovered and contains more water than any other known Martian meteorite. Its texture is brecciated, it is composed of an agglomerate of rocks of which each rock tells us a fascinating story.
Out of stock

NWA 7034 (paired) Mars #6 – 0,43 g

2.403,04 $
The meteorite NWA 7034 is an exceptional meteorite.
This meteorite is not alone because other stones of the same type have been found in the fall zone.
It is a Martian meteorite, certainly the rarest and most scientifically interesting meteorite ever found. It was discovered by meteorite hunters in the Western Sahara.
It is the oldest rock from Mars ever discovered and contains more water than any other known Martian meteorite. Its texture is brecciated, it is composed of an agglomerate of rocks of which each rock tells us a fascinating story.
Out of stock

NWA 7034 (paired) Mars #5 – 0,45 g

2.514,80 $
The meteorite NWA 7034 is an exceptional meteorite.
This meteorite is not alone because other stones of the same type have been found in the fall zone.
It is a Martian meteorite, certainly the rarest and most scientifically interesting meteorite ever found. It was discovered by meteorite hunters in the Western Sahara.
It is the oldest rock from Mars ever discovered and contains more water than any other known Martian meteorite. Its texture is brecciated, it is composed of an agglomerate of rocks of which each rock tells us a fascinating story.

NWA 13700 LL6 #3 – 18,5 g

67,78 $

NWA 13700 is a meteorite of 1460 grams discovered in Mauritania in 2020.

This meteorite has been classified chondrite type LL6 by Jérôme Gattacceca scientist at Cerege in Aix-en-Provence.

NWA 13700 LL6 #2 – 27 g

93,94 $

NWA 13700 is a meteorite of 1460 grams discovered in Mauritania in 2020.

This meteorite has been classified chondrite type LL6 by Jérôme Gattacceca scientist at Cerege in Aix-en-Provence.

NWA 10158 Mésosidérite #14 – 3,4 g

26,16 $

NWA 10158 is a mesosiderite meteorite.

It is a rare type, but the particularity of NWA 10158 is that it must have arrived on Earth a long time ago for proof of its terrestrialisation.
NWA 10158 does not look like a classical mesosiderite and it is only with a scientific analysis that its exact type has been determined.

This meteorite is nevertheless an aesthetic meteorite, and each cut slice is different.

NWA 10158 Mésosidérite #13 – 6,1 g

43,99 $

NWA 10158 is a mesosiderite meteorite.

It is a rare type, but the particularity of NWA 10158 is that it must have arrived on Earth a long time ago for proof of its terrestrialisation.
NWA 10158 does not look like a classical mesosiderite and it is only with a scientific analysis that its exact type has been determined.

This meteorite is nevertheless an aesthetic meteorite, and each cut slice is different.

NWA 10158 Mésosidérite #12 – 5,9 g

42,80 $

NWA 10158 is a mesosiderite meteorite.

It is a rare type, but the particularity of NWA 10158 is that it must have arrived on Earth a long time ago for proof of its terrestrialisation.
NWA 10158 does not look like a classical mesosiderite and it is only with a scientific analysis that its exact type has been determined.

This meteorite is nevertheless an aesthetic meteorite, and each cut slice is different.

Zagora 007 H4 #13 – 15,7 g

55,88 $

Zagora 007 is an ordinary chondrite of type H4. It was found by Salem Ouarkia in 2019 in the Zagora region of Morocco.

Writeup from MB 110 :

Zagora 007 30°06’32.1″N, 5°13’59.1″W


Find: 2019 Jun

Classification: Ordinary chondrite (H4)

History: Found by Salem Ouarkia in June 2019. Bought by Jean Redelsperger from Mohamed Elguirah in 2021.

Physical characteristics: Brown stones without fusion crust.

Petrography: (J. Gattacceca, CEREGE) Chondrite with well-defined packed chondrules.

Geochemistry: Plagioclase An23.6Ab73.8Or2.6 (n=1)

Classification: Ordinary chondrite (H4)

Specimens: Type specimen at CEREGE. Main mass with Jean Redelsperger.

Zagora 007 H4 #12 – 12,6 g

45,18 $

Zagora 007 is an ordinary chondrite of type H4. It was found by Salem Ouarkia in 2019 in the Zagora region of Morocco.

Writeup from MB 110 :

Zagora 007 30°06’32.1″N, 5°13’59.1″W


Find: 2019 Jun

Classification: Ordinary chondrite (H4)

History: Found by Salem Ouarkia in June 2019. Bought by Jean Redelsperger from Mohamed Elguirah in 2021.

Physical characteristics: Brown stones without fusion crust.

Petrography: (J. Gattacceca, CEREGE) Chondrite with well-defined packed chondrules.

Geochemistry: Plagioclase An23.6Ab73.8Or2.6 (n=1)

Classification: Ordinary chondrite (H4)

Specimens: Type specimen at CEREGE. Main mass with Jean Redelsperger.

Out of stock

Zagora 007 H4 #11 – 18,2 g

65,40 $

Zagora 007 is an ordinary chondrite of type H4. It was found by Salem Ouarkia in 2019 in the Zagora region of Morocco.

Writeup from MB 110 :

Zagora 007 30°06’32.1″N, 5°13’59.1″W


Find: 2019 Jun

Classification: Ordinary chondrite (H4)

History: Found by Salem Ouarkia in June 2019. Bought by Jean Redelsperger from Mohamed Elguirah in 2021.

Physical characteristics: Brown stones without fusion crust.

Petrography: (J. Gattacceca, CEREGE) Chondrite with well-defined packed chondrules.

Geochemistry: Plagioclase An23.6Ab73.8Or2.6 (n=1)

Classification: Ordinary chondrite (H4)

Specimens: Type specimen at CEREGE. Main mass with Jean Redelsperger.