Al Haggounia 001 Enstatite #6 – 7,8 g

28,54 $

Al Haggounia 001 is a meteorite of type chondrite enstatite, more precisely EL chondrite impact melt rock.

To date only 23 meteorites of this type have been classified.

This meteorite was discovered in Morocco in the Western Sahara.



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Al Haggounia 001 Enstatite #5 – 8,9 g

32,10 $

Al Haggounia 001 is a meteorite of type chondrite enstatite, more precisely EL chondrite impact melt rock.

To date only 23 meteorites of this type have been classified.

This meteorite was discovered in Morocco in the Western Sahara.



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Al Haggounia 001 Enstatite #4 -2,6 g

11,89 $

Al Haggounia 001 is a meteorite of type chondrite enstatite, more precisely EL chondrite impact melt rock.

To date only 23 meteorites of this type have been classified.

This meteorite was discovered in Morocco in the Western Sahara.



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Al Haggounia 001 Enstatite #3 -7,2 g

26,16 $

Al Haggounia 001 is a meteorite of type chondrite enstatite, more precisely EL chondrite impact melt rock.

To date only 23 meteorites of this type have been classified.

This meteorite was discovered in Morocco in the Western Sahara.



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Al Haggounia 001 Enstatite #2 – 22 g

66,59 $

Al Haggounia 001 is a meteorite of type chondrite enstatite, more precisely EL chondrite impact melt rock.

To date only 23 meteorites of this type have been classified.

This meteorite was discovered in Morocco in the Western Sahara.



Erg Chech 002 #9 Achondrite Ung – 1,5 g

1.189,03 $

Erg Chech 002 is an achondrite type meteorite found in Algeria in 2020.

The particularity of this meteorite is that it does not resemble any meteorite known to date and that we know nothing of the parent body from which it came.

This meteorite is dated 4.565 billion years (older than our Earth), it was formed at the beginning of the solar system.

It is the oldest magmatic rock in the solar system known to date !

This meteorite also has the particularity to have large green crystals of pyroxene.


Erg Chech 002 #8 Achondrite Ung – 3 g

1.783,55 $

Erg Chech 002 is an achondrite type meteorite found in Algeria in 2020.

The particularity of this meteorite is that it does not resemble any meteorite known to date and that we know nothing of the parent body from which it came.

This meteorite is dated 4.565 billion years (older than our Earth), it was formed at the beginning of the solar system.

It is the oldest magmatic rock in the solar system known to date !

This meteorite also has the particularity to have large green crystals of pyroxene.


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Erg Chech 002 #7 Achondrite Ung – 1 g

83,23 $

Erg Chech 002 is an achondrite type meteorite found in Algeria in 2020.

The particularity of this meteorite is that it does not resemble any meteorite known to date and that we know nothing of the parent body from which it came.

This meteorite is dated 4.565 billion years (older than our Earth), it was formed at the beginning of the solar system.

It is the oldest magmatic rock in the solar system known to date !

This meteorite also has the particularity to have large green crystals of pyroxene.


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Erg Chech 002 #6 Achondrite Ung – 2.9 g

231,86 $

Erg Chech 002 is an achondrite type meteorite found in Algeria in 2020.

The particularity of this meteorite is that it does not resemble any meteorite known to date and that we know nothing of the parent body from which it came.

This meteorite is dated 4.565 billion years (older than our Earth), it was formed at the beginning of the solar system.

It is the oldest magmatic rock in the solar system known to date !

This meteorite also has the particularity to have large green crystals of pyroxene.


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Erg Chech 002 #5 Achondrite Ung – 2.9 g

231,86 $

Erg Chech 002 is an achondrite type meteorite found in Algeria in 2020.

The particularity of this meteorite is that it does not resemble any meteorite known to date and that we know nothing of the parent body from which it came.

This meteorite is dated 4.565 billion years (older than our Earth), it was formed at the beginning of the solar system.

It is the oldest magmatic rock in the solar system known to date !

This meteorite also has the particularity to have large green crystals of pyroxene.


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Erg Chech 002 #4 Achondrite Ung – 3 g

238,99 $

Erg Chech 002 is an achondrite type meteorite found in Algeria in 2020.

The particularity of this meteorite is that it does not resemble any meteorite known to date and that we know nothing of the parent body from which it came.

This meteorite is dated 4.565 billion years (older than our Earth), it was formed at the beginning of the solar system.

It is the oldest magmatic rock in the solar system known to date !

This meteorite also has the particularity to have large green crystals of pyroxene.


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Erg Chech 002 #3 Achondrite Ung – 3,3 g

271,10 $

Erg Chech 002 is an achondrite type meteorite found in Algeria in 2020.

The particularity of this meteorite is that it does not resemble any meteorite known to date and that we know nothing of the parent body from which it came.

This meteorite is dated 4.565 billion years (older than our Earth), it was formed at the beginning of the solar system.

It is the oldest magmatic rock in the solar system known to date !

This meteorite also has the particularity to have large green crystals of pyroxene.



Erg Chech 002 #2 Achondrite Ung – 5,9 g

594,52 $

Erg Chech 002 is an achondrite type meteorite found in Algeria in 2020.

The particularity of this meteorite is that it does not resemble any meteorite known to date and that we know nothing of the parent body from which it came.

This meteorite is dated 4.565 billion years (older than our Earth), it was formed at the beginning of the solar system.

It is the oldest magmatic rock in the solar system known to date !

This meteorite also has the particularity to have large green crystals of pyroxene.


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Erg Chech 002 #1 Achondrite Ung – 6,4 g

511,28 $

Erg Chech 002is an achondrite type meteorite found in Algeria in 2020.

The particularity of this meteorite is that it does not resemble any meteorite known to date and that we know nothing of the parent body from which it came.

This meteorite is dated 4.565 billion years (older than our Earth), it wasformed at the beginning of the solar system.

It is the oldest magmatic rock in the solar system known to date !

This meteorite also has the particularity to have large green crystals of pyroxene.

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Atacamaite #6 – 2,2 g

60,64 $

The Atacamaites were discovered in the Atacama desert in Chile.

They are black and glassy objects of about 1 cm, they were formed following an impact about 7.8 million years ago.

Their small size, heterogeneity, state of oxidation and level of contamination distinguish them from tektites, which is why a study conducted by J. Gattacceca, Bertrand Devouard, Jean-Alix J-A Barrat, Pierre Rochette, M.L. Balestrieri, G. Bigazzi, G. Ménard, F. Moustard, E. dos Santos, R. Scorzelli, proposes to name them “tektoids”.

The impactor was an iron meteorite, most probably of the IIAB group.






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Montoume #1 – 114 g

17,83 $
An impactite is a terrestrial rock modified by the impact of a large meteorite.
These rocks contain an agglomeration of fallout dust and fragments.
The Rochechouart impactites were formed as a result of a meteorite impact about 207 million years ago in New Aquitaine in the Rochechouart district.
The impact crater of the Rochechouart meteorite is called “Astroblème” because it is no longer visible following erosion.
There are several types of rocks :
Les brèches de type Babaudus, riche en verre à texture fluidale et en vacuoles
The “breccias” of Montoume type, red because of their richness in iron, metal supposed to come from the asteroid.
The “breccias” of Chassenon type, debris of glass of greenish tint.
The “breccias” of Rochechouart type, contain little glass and are constituted of elements of varied size and lithology.


Vaca Muerta Mésosidérite #14 – 3.6 g

29,72 $

Vaca Muerta, in Spanish “Dead Cow” is a meteorite of mesosiderite type which was discovered in Chile in 1861.

This meteorite would have arrived on Earth about 2000 years ago.

The parent body of mesosiderites could be the asteroid Psyche, it is over 200 km in diameter.

It is a classic in any good collection.

Vaca Muerta Mésosidérite #12 – 3.7 g

30,91 $

Vaca Muerta, in Spanish “Dead Cow” is a meteorite of mesosiderite type which was discovered in Chile in 1861.

This meteorite would have arrived on Earth about 2000 years ago.

The parent body of mesosiderites could be the asteroid Psyche, it is over 200 km in diameter.

It is a classic in any good collection.