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NWA 12731 R5 #1 – 19,5 g

510,10 $

NWA 12731 is a rare and fresh rumuruti type R5 weighing only 29 grams.

The R chondrite group does not clearly belong to any of the major chondrite classes (ordinary, carbonaceous, enstatite); R chondrites have sub-solar Mg/Si and refractory/Si ratios, oxygen isotopic compositions that are above the terrestrial fractionation line and ordinary chondrites, and strongly oxidized mineralogy.

The first R chondrite, Carlisle Lakes, was found in Australia in 1977.

The main mass (19.5 g) of this meteorite is for sale, the rest was used to make the classification.





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NWA 6419 LL3 #1 – 82 g

380,48 $

NWA 6419 is an ordinary chondrite of type LL3 of 339 grams, it was discovered in the Sahara in 2010.
This piece offered for sale is very representative of ordinary chondrites with nice chondrules, it is also the main mass of NWA 6419.

Ordinary chondrites are made of small balls called chondrules that have accumulated together.



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SAH 99159 LL3 #1 – 14,5 g

178,36 $

SAH 99159 is an ordinary chondrite of type LL3, it was discovered in the Sahara in 1999 at the beginning of the prospection of meteorites in the deserts.
The slice offered for sale is very representative of ordinary chondrites with nice well defined and very colorful chondrules.

Ordinary chondrites are made of small balls called chondrules that have accumulated together.


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NWA 11881 L3 #1 – 12,8 g

71,34 $

NWA 11881 is an ordinary chondrite of type L3.
The slice offered for sale is very representative of ordinary chondrites with nice well defined chondrules.

Ordinary chondrites are made of small balls called chondrules that have accumulated together.


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Hassi Arsane 002 L6 #1 – 12,8 g

142,68 $

Hassi Arsane 002 is an ordinary chondrite of type L6. It was found by Ahmed Ourbaa in 2019 in Morocco.
This meteorite is only 18.3 grams, I sell the main mass of 12.8 grams, the rest was used to make the classification.

A unique piece for your collection.

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Aridal 018 #1 CVred3 – 6,4 g

166,46 $
Aridal 018 is a Cvred3 carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, a different variety of CV meteorites.
This very nice meteorite of only 9 grams was found in Morocco in the Western Sahara by Modamed Ouaizza on April 2, 2021.
I am selling the main mass of this meteorite, a unique piece!
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Gebel Kamil #1 Iron – 175 g

273,48 $
Gebel Kamil is a ungrouped iron meteorite.
A total of 1600 kg, ranging in mass from << 1 to 35,000 g, and a single 83 kg individual completely covered with regmaglyptes, were found in the Kamil impact crater in Egypt. This 45 m diameter crater was discovered by an Italian-Egyptian geophysical team in February 2009 and February 2010. Approximately 800 kg of the total mass observed in the field (including the regmaglypted individual) was recovered.


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NWA 6576 (Paired) #1 Pallasite – 28,3 g

321,04 $

NWA 6576 is a pallasite meteorite.

Pallasites are meteorites composed of olivine crystals in an iron-nickel matrix.

Pallasites are among the most aesthetic meteorites.

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Agoudal #1 Iron – 27 g

64,21 $
Agoudal is an iron meteorite which has the particularity to have its ellipse of fall at the same place as the first known impact structure in Morocco in the High Atlas.


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CV3 #1-79 g

563,60 $

CV3 chondrites are characterized by the presence of large chondrules, abundant pre-solar isotopes and white inclusions called CAI’s.

CAI’s are mineral inclusions rich in calcium and aluminum, formed 4,567 to 4,571 million years ago they are the oldest materials in the Solar System.

This unique piece is an example of a CV3 with a large CAI.

This piece is certainly paired with NWA 7865.

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Mundrabilla Iron #1 – 125.8 g

373,36 $
The Mundrabilla meteorite was discovered in Australia in the Nullarbor plain in 1911.
Its total mass is 22 tons.
A study indicates that the meteorite would have come from the west at a fairly low speed and a high angle.

This meteorite is sold with the original label of Alain Carion.

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NWA 7034 (paired) Mars #3 – 0,3 g

1.248,48 $
The meteorite NWA 7034 is an exceptional meteorite.
Other stones of the same type have been found in the fall ellipse.
It is a Martian meteorite, certainly the rarest and most scientifically interesting meteorite ever found. It was discovered by meteorite hunters in the Western Sahara.
It is the oldest rock from Mars ever discovered, it contains more water than any other known Martian meteorite. Its texture is brecciated, it is composed of an agglomerate of rocks of which each rock tells us a fascinating story.
Out of stock

NWA 7034 (paired) Mars #2 – 2 g

8.323,21 $
The meteorite NWA 7034 is an exceptional meteorite.
Other stones of the same type have been found in the fall ellipse.
It is a Martian meteorite, certainly the rarest and most scientifically interesting meteorite ever found. It was discovered by meteorite hunters in the Western Sahara.
It is the oldest rock from Mars ever discovered, it contains more water than any other known Martian meteorite. Its texture is brecciated, it is composed of an agglomerate of rocks of which each rock tells us a fascinating story.
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Oued Bourdim 002 #6 CVred3 – 1,2 grams

28,54 $
Oued Bourdim 002 is a Cvred3 carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, a different variety of CV meteorites.
Oued Bourdim 002 was found in Morocco in 2016 by Youssef Ben Aymad and its mass is only 53 grams.
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Oued Bourdim 002 #5 CVred3 – 1,7 grams

40,43 $
Oued Bourdim 002 is a Cvred3 carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, a different variety of CV meteorites.
Oued Bourdim 002 was found in Morocco in 2016 by Youssef Ben Aymad and its mass is only 53 grams.
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Oued Bourdim 002 #4 CVred3 – 3,2 grams

76,09 $
Oued Bourdim 002 is a Cvred3 carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, a different variety of CV meteorites.
Oued Bourdim 002 was found in Morocco in 2016 by Youssef Ben Aymad and its mass is only 53 grams.
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Oued Bourdim 002 #3 CVred3 – 1,6 grams

38,05 $
Oued Bourdim 002 is a Cvred3 carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, a different variety of CV meteorites.
Oued Bourdim 002 was found in Morocco in 2016 by Youssef Ben Aymad and its mass is only 53 grams.
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Oued Bourdim 002 #2 CVred3 – 28,7 grams

511,28 $
Oued Bourdim 002 is a Cvred3 carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, a different variety of CV meteorites.
Oued Bourdim 002 was found in Morocco in 2016 by Youssef Ben Aymad and its mass is only 53 grams.