History: Bought by Jean Redelsperger from Lahcen Ait Ha in Erfoud in January 2015.
Physical characteristics: Eight irregular gray fragments without fusion crust. Chondrules are clearly visible at the surface. Cut surface shows closely packed large chondrules, with little weathering.
History: Bought by Jean Redelsperger from Lahcen Ait Ha in Erfoud in January 2015.
Physical characteristics: Eight irregular gray fragments without fusion crust. Chondrules are clearly visible at the surface. Cut surface shows closely packed large chondrules, with little weathering.
History: Bought by Jean Redelsperger from Lahcen Ait Ha in Erfoud in January 2015.
Physical characteristics: Eight irregular gray fragments without fusion crust. Chondrules are clearly visible at the surface. Cut surface shows closely packed large chondrules, with little weathering.
History: Bought by Jean Redelsperger from Lahcen Ait Ha in Erfoud in January 2015.
Physical characteristics: Eight irregular gray fragments without fusion crust. Chondrules are clearly visible at the surface. Cut surface shows closely packed large chondrules, with little weathering.
History: Found by Ahmed Dich and Hssain Azmamar in January 2021. Bought by Jean Redelsperger from Zaid Oualguirah in February 2021.
Physical characteristics: Partially crusted stone with a light grey interior
Petrography: (J. Gattacceca, CEREGE) Brecciated igneous rock with mineral and lithic gabbroic clasts. Main minerals are pyroxene (some exsolved) and plagioclase with grain size in the 100 to 500 µm range. Accessory minerals: metal (to 150 µm), chromite (to 100 µm), ilmenite (to 150 µm), troilite (to 200 µm).
History: Found by Ahmed Dich and Hssain Azmamar in January 2021. Bought by Jean Redelsperger from Zaid Oualguirah in February 2021.
Physical characteristics: Partially crusted stone with a light grey interior
Petrography: (J. Gattacceca, CEREGE) Brecciated igneous rock with mineral and lithic gabbroic clasts. Main minerals are pyroxene (some exsolved) and plagioclase with grain size in the 100 to 500 µm range. Accessory minerals: metal (to 150 µm), chromite (to 100 µm), ilmenite (to 150 µm), troilite (to 200 µm).
Ce charbon fossile est un rare témoin de l’instant précis du cataclysme qui a marqué le début de l’extinction des dinosaures.
Ce matériel fossilisé provient de résidus forestiers, riches en iridium, carbonisés suite un impact géant d’une météorite dans la péninsule du Yucatan il y a ~65 millions d’années.
Des affleurements de la limite K-T (crétacé- tertiaire) riches en cette lignite sont apparus dans différentes régions du Mexique dans la Sierra Madre Orientale.
Cette lignite est actuellement protégée et donc rare à trouver sur le marché.
Sueilila 003 est une météorite de type CV3, oxidized subgroup, elle a été découverte par Mbark Ben Amar et Amar Azerwal en 2016 dans le Sahara Occidental.
Cette météorite a la particularité d’avoir des chondres assez gros de couleur marron et des chondres plus petits de couleur grise.
Aucune explication n’a été trouvée à ce jour par la science.
Les chondrites CV3 se caractérisent par la présence de gros chondres, l’abondance en isotopes pré-solaires et des inclusions blanches appelées CAI’s.
Les CAI’s sont des inclusions minérales riches en calcium et en aluminium, formées il y a 4 567 à 4 571 millions d’années elles constituent les matériaux les plus anciens du Système solaire.
NWA 15169 est une météorite lunaire découverte en 2021 au Maroc près de Dakhla dans la zone de Wad Oum Sfia par Omar Ben Chaoud and Mouloud Oudinat.
NWA 15169 est une rare météorite lunaire (anorthosite).
C’est une très belle météorite lunaire très colorée proposée à un très bon prix.
Il y a une quinzaine d’années les météorites lunaires se vendaient presque 1000 euros le gramme !
Writeup from MB 112:
Northwest Africa 15169 (NWA 15169)
Purchased: 2021
Classification: Lunar meteorite (anorth)
History: Found by Omar Ben Chaoud and Mouloud Oudinat in the Dakhla, Wad Oum Sfia area. Later bought by Jean Redelsperger from Mohamed Elguirah in 2021.
Physical characteristics: Several stones: a complete 50 g crusted stone, and several gray fragments without fusion crust, the largest one being 52 g.
Petrography: (J. Gattacceca, B. Devouard, CEREGE) Brecciated igneous rock composed primarily of anorthitic plagioclase, and mm-sized poikilitic microgabbroic clasts with plagioclase chadacrysts set in olivine and pyroxene. Accessory minerals: metal, ulvöspinel, chromite. Barite, from terrestrial weathering, is present as veins.
Classification: Lunar (anorthosite). Contains microgabbroic clasts. Olivine, pigeonite and plagioclase are within the ferroan anorthositic suite (FAS) field defined by Warren (1993). Olivine has been altered on Earth, as indicated by the low analytical totals.
Specimens: Type specimen at CEREGE. Main mass with Jean Redelsperger.
NWA 15169 est une météorite lunaire découverte en 2021 au Maroc près de Dakhla dans la zone de Wad Oum Sfia par Omar Ben Chaoud and Mouloud Oudinat.
NWA 15169 est une rare météorite lunaire (anorthosite).
C’est une très belle météorite lunaire très colorée proposée à un très bon prix.
Il y a une quinzaine d’années les météorites lunaires se vendaient presque 1000 euros le gramme !
Writeup from MB 112:
Northwest Africa 15169 (NWA 15169)
Purchased: 2021
Classification: Lunar meteorite (anorth)
History: Found by Omar Ben Chaoud and Mouloud Oudinat in the Dakhla, Wad Oum Sfia area. Later bought by Jean Redelsperger from Mohamed Elguirah in 2021.
Physical characteristics: Several stones: a complete 50 g crusted stone, and several gray fragments without fusion crust, the largest one being 52 g.
Petrography: (J. Gattacceca, B. Devouard, CEREGE) Brecciated igneous rock composed primarily of anorthitic plagioclase, and mm-sized poikilitic microgabbroic clasts with plagioclase chadacrysts set in olivine and pyroxene. Accessory minerals: metal, ulvöspinel, chromite. Barite, from terrestrial weathering, is present as veins.
Classification: Lunar (anorthosite). Contains microgabbroic clasts. Olivine, pigeonite and plagioclase are within the ferroan anorthositic suite (FAS) field defined by Warren (1993). Olivine has been altered on Earth, as indicated by the low analytical totals.
Specimens: Type specimen at CEREGE. Main mass with Jean Redelsperger.
NWA 15169 est une météorite lunaire découverte en 2021 au Maroc près de Dakhla dans la zone de Wad Oum Sfia par Omar Ben Chaoud and Mouloud Oudinat.
NWA 15169 est une rare météorite lunaire (anorthosite).
C’est une très belle météorite lunaire très colorée proposée à un très bon prix.
Il y a une quinzaine d’années les météorites lunaires se vendaient presque 1000 euros le gramme !
Writeup from MB 112:
Northwest Africa 15169 (NWA 15169)
Purchased: 2021
Classification: Lunar meteorite (anorth)
History: Found by Omar Ben Chaoud and Mouloud Oudinat in the Dakhla, Wad Oum Sfia area. Later bought by Jean Redelsperger from Mohamed Elguirah in 2021.
Physical characteristics: Several stones: a complete 50 g crusted stone, and several gray fragments without fusion crust, the largest one being 52 g.
Petrography: (J. Gattacceca, B. Devouard, CEREGE) Brecciated igneous rock composed primarily of anorthitic plagioclase, and mm-sized poikilitic microgabbroic clasts with plagioclase chadacrysts set in olivine and pyroxene. Accessory minerals: metal, ulvöspinel, chromite. Barite, from terrestrial weathering, is present as veins.
Classification: Lunar (anorthosite). Contains microgabbroic clasts. Olivine, pigeonite and plagioclase are within the ferroan anorthositic suite (FAS) field defined by Warren (1993). Olivine has been altered on Earth, as indicated by the low analytical totals.
Specimens: Type specimen at CEREGE. Main mass with Jean Redelsperger.
NWA 15169 est une météorite lunaire découverte en 2021 au Maroc près de Dakhla dans la zone de Wad Oum Sfia par Omar Ben Chaoud and Mouloud Oudinat.
NWA 15169 est une rare météorite lunaire (anorthosite).
C’est une très belle météorite lunaire très colorée proposée à un très bon prix.
Il y a une quinzaine d’années les météorites lunaires se vendaient presque 1000 euros le gramme !
Writeup from MB 112:
Northwest Africa 15169 (NWA 15169)
Purchased: 2021
Classification: Lunar meteorite (anorth)
History: Found by Omar Ben Chaoud and Mouloud Oudinat in the Dakhla, Wad Oum Sfia area. Later bought by Jean Redelsperger from Mohamed Elguirah in 2021.
Physical characteristics: Several stones: a complete 50 g crusted stone, and several gray fragments without fusion crust, the largest one being 52 g.
Petrography: (J. Gattacceca, B. Devouard, CEREGE) Brecciated igneous rock composed primarily of anorthitic plagioclase, and mm-sized poikilitic microgabbroic clasts with plagioclase chadacrysts set in olivine and pyroxene. Accessory minerals: metal, ulvöspinel, chromite. Barite, from terrestrial weathering, is present as veins.
Classification: Lunar (anorthosite). Contains microgabbroic clasts. Olivine, pigeonite and plagioclase are within the ferroan anorthositic suite (FAS) field defined by Warren (1993). Olivine has been altered on Earth, as indicated by the low analytical totals.
Specimens: Type specimen at CEREGE. Main mass with Jean Redelsperger.
NWA 15169 est une météorite lunaire découverte en 2021 au Maroc près de Dakhla dans la zone de Wad Oum Sfia par Omar Ben Chaoud and Mouloud Oudinat.
NWA 15169 est une rare météorite lunaire (anorthosite).
C’est une très belle météorite lunaire très colorée proposée à un très bon prix.
Il y a une quinzaine d’années les météorites lunaires se vendaient presque 1000 euros le gramme !
Writeup from MB 112:
Northwest Africa 15169 (NWA 15169)
Purchased: 2021
Classification: Lunar meteorite (anorth)
History: Found by Omar Ben Chaoud and Mouloud Oudinat in the Dakhla, Wad Oum Sfia area. Later bought by Jean Redelsperger from Mohamed Elguirah in 2021.
Physical characteristics: Several stones: a complete 50 g crusted stone, and several gray fragments without fusion crust, the largest one being 52 g.
Petrography: (J. Gattacceca, B. Devouard, CEREGE) Brecciated igneous rock composed primarily of anorthitic plagioclase, and mm-sized poikilitic microgabbroic clasts with plagioclase chadacrysts set in olivine and pyroxene. Accessory minerals: metal, ulvöspinel, chromite. Barite, from terrestrial weathering, is present as veins.
Classification: Lunar (anorthosite). Contains microgabbroic clasts. Olivine, pigeonite and plagioclase are within the ferroan anorthositic suite (FAS) field defined by Warren (1993). Olivine has been altered on Earth, as indicated by the low analytical totals.
Specimens: Type specimen at CEREGE. Main mass with Jean Redelsperger.